Leadership Council
Members are among the most accomplished practitioners in their respective fields. They meet several times each year to learn more about the community, CICF and its services for advisors and clients.
PALC members enhance their knowledge of charitable giving, CICF and the impact CICF donors have on Central Indiana and beyond. Nominated by their peers, members serve rotating three-year terms.
Former PALC members remain connected by serving on CICF’s Cornerstone Council.
Current members of Our Professional Advisor Leadership Council
(As of Feb. 14, 2020)
Leslie Appel Maher
Gregory & Appel
Tom Bayer, CPA
Sikich, LLP
Jeff Bodkin, CPA
Bruce Bittner, JD,
Church, Church, Hittle & Antrim
Meredith Carbrey, CFP,
Bedel Financial Consulting, Inc.
Mychal Eagleson, CFP, AIF, ChSNC
An Exceptional Life Financial
Lizzie Evans, CFP
Evans May Wealth
Russ Ford, CFP
Wayfinder Financial
Eddie Gill
Wise Financial
Carol Greer, JD
Greer Law, P.C.
Kevin Hampton
Diamond Capital Management
Brett R. Headley
J.P. Morgan Private Bank
Laurie D. Johnson, JD,
Boje, Benner, Becker, Markovich & Hixon, LLP
Marya E. Jones, JD,
IU Health Foundation
Matthew Lewis, JD
STAR Financial Bank
Andy Manchir, ASA, CMA, CEPA
Katz, Sapper & Miller, LLP
Marcus Miller, CPA, CFP
Deerfield Financial Advisors, Inc.
Jennifer Norton, JD
Norton Estate Planning & Elder Law Firm, LLC
Jason Noyan
J.P. Morgan Private Bank
Robert Phillips, CFA, CFP, CPA
Spectrum Management Group
Rodney Retzner, JD
Krieg DeVault, LLP
Rafael Sanchez, JD
Old National Bank
Kyle Sanders
Legacy Consultants Group
Tanya Stewart Overdorf, JD
Tanya S. Overdorf, P.C.
Peter Ten Eyck, JD
Hackman Hulett LLP
Ryan Thomas, CFP, CPA
Column Capital Advisors, LLC
Rebecca Thompson Boyle, Lessonly
Elizabeth Timme, JD
Ice Miller LLP
Seema Parikshak Verma, CPA, CGMA
BGBC Partners, LLP
Vincent Viveros, CFP
Charles Schwab Private Client Investment Advisory
Julia Weaver, JD, LLM,
The Trust Company of Oxford at Oxford Financial Group, Ltd